Excel Short and Sweet Tip #1 (Alphabetic String With TEXTJOIN) by David Hager

In many cases an alphabetic string is needed in certain Excel formula constructions. The easiest way to generate this string is with the following:

=TEXTJOIN(“”,,CHAR(64+ROW(1:26))) ‘ array-entered

which affords the string


Other character sets strings (such as alphanumeric) can be made in a similar manner.



5 thoughts on “Excel Short and Sweet Tip #1 (Alphabetic String With TEXTJOIN) by David Hager

  1. Hans Knudsen

    Nice formula!
    I am from Denmark and so I wonder if there is a way to extend your formula so that it can generate the Danish alphabet which in addition to the English alphabet contains the letters Æ, Ø and Å = CHAR(64+{152;134;133}).

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